Monday 8 February 2010

Baby yoga

Today Wilbur went to his first baby yoga class (now he is 8 weeks old a whole new set of opportunities are open to the little social monkey)! He loved it and chattered all the way through and only cried a little bit at the end, when he was supposed to be doing the final relaxation. He then slept all afternoon - what a good boy! And while he was busy putting himself into various bendy positions Granny and Grandad were painting his bedroom in the new house. He chose a very classy combination of Whisper of Powder Blue and Whisper of Rodeo Drive.

Anyway, while Wilbur is mastering turning his body into a temple, I feel I need to do the same, so my (somewhat hopeful) exercise regime looks like this:
Mondays: Baby and Postnatal Yoga
Tuesdays: Morning swim and post natal fitness.
Wednesdays: Morning swim and 2 mile walk.
Thursdays: Lunchtime gym or at home yoga.
Fridays: Post natal fitness and Vinyasa yoga.
Saturdays: Evening swim or gym.
Sundays: Walk or at home yoga.

Anyway, we shall see!

Thursday 4 February 2010


Such a beautiful website with beautiful things for beautiful little people.

Album di famiglia - GUETTA (grigio)Atsuyo et Akiko - Hadagi (mocha)Album di famiglia - BERNIE babysuit

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Chair envy

eames rocker, originally uploaded by no.56.
Ripple rocking chair white

We're in

the new house! Hurrah. Here are the "before" pictures. Although I forgot to get downstairs ones!

And here are the front and back bedroom views.