Thursday 2 September 2010

Birthing from within

Birthing from Within is an alternative antenatal book, based around the concept of Birth Art, the central belief is that the key to childbirth education is self-discovery. With the arrival of BabyBoy 2 just 13 and a half weeks away, I have begun the Birthing from Within process, hopefully to clear my mind of the less enjoyable parts of my last experience and to find more strength.

Exercise 1: A representation of a Pregnant Woman.
The pregnant woman in my picture is proud of her life giving body. She cradles her stomach to connect with her baby. Her and her baby are also protected by centuries of women who have safely birthed their babies, who bestow upon the woman a primordial knowledge or instinct . Her position as bearer of life places her firmly in a central role in the Earth's history.

Exercise 2: A representation of being pregnant.

Being pregnant is being a beautiful part of the Earth's promise. A place that will change and bring joy. It needs protection and yet is a part of a greater thing. The roots are firmly in the Earth.

3. A fantasy of labour and birth
I am inn a room filled with pillows, cushions, blankets and beanbags. A breeze comes through the window, candles glow. I am humming and relaxed.. My baby is in the optimum position aand relaxed. I can move easily. The room smells good. My husband ans son are relaxed in the doorway. Music plays. Across the hall a warm, scented baths awaits.

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