Saturday 27 November 2010

Welcome to the world little boy, we love you so much,

With a big surprise, in a hurry and with a splash little tiny (6lb11oz) Huxley Winston was born on Thanksgiving. 25th November 2010.
Birth Story
Finally got to sleep at 2am on Thursday morning, but woke up again at 4am, feeling totally alert. Went back to sleep for an hour and woke up with backache at 5am. I got up and went downstairs for a drink and a couple of paracetamol. Put on tv but couldn't comfortably sit down, so I went upstairs and ran a bath, lots of lovely oil and jumped in. Contractions started coming, no problem, could breathe through them, if I was on my knees. After 20 minutes and 3 contractions I got out and decided to try and relax properly. Switched on my visualisation recordings (which I had made on Tuesday night) and tried to lie down (thinking I was in for the long haul).Lying down was impossible and I could only cope if standing up, so got up and danced around through 3 more contractions. At 7am I went in to see Wilbur and Chris who had just woken up. I took Wilbur who was totally confused as to why I wouldn't (couldn't) sit on floor to play with him. He started to get stressed so Chris took him down for breakfast and said he was going to call hospital (my homebirth having been vetoed a few weeks ago because of my blood count). The hospital asked that we come straight in, as contractions were 5 mins apart, but I told them we would have to wait an hour for my parents to come and babysit Wilbur. Chris suggested we take Wilbs and meet my parents at hospital, but I didn't feel right about getting in car, so told him we would wait till they arrived. They went back downstairs to pack a "granny bag" for Wilbur, and as another contraction came my waters went with a gush on top of the landing. I went into the bathroom, expecting that contractions would be faster but pressure would now be less, however the pressure got worse. I couldn't really feel contractions, just a long drawn out ache. I put on my headphones, switched off the light and moved around, holding onto the towel rail and making the famous "mooing noise". I was aware that I had to keep calm and keep the noises on a lower register, so I just went with it. The pressure got more and more and I could feel his head a few inches away. I called to DH to call an ambulance and midwife and tried to stay in the zone. I had about 1 minute of saying over and over: "I can't do this, can't do this," before my concious brain said "Oh that means it's almost time to push". The pressure grew and I half-heartedly pushed through the next contraction. Another contraction came and I squatted on the loo and pushed, but not hugely so. The pressure suddenly went and it took a second for me to look down a see a grey DS2 in the loo. For a second I just thought "oh my god". Then it clicked that I had to get him out. He slipped once and then he was through my legs and on my chest. It was 7.55am. I called down to Chris "he's here, he's here," and he came up, looking admirably calm. The 999 call operator told him to get me to lie down, but I couldn't, it didn't feel right. Chris untangled the cord from around my legs and told me the ambulance was coming. There was a knock at the door, he went down to answer it and as he walked away my placenta just fell out.
The paramedic's face was a picture and he had a huge smile; "wow, a birth, that's a surprise". (He told Chris later that they had been told they were coming to a 38 week miscarriage ???, so quite a nice surprise for them). He cut the cord and his colleague came up to wrap up Huxley and get me in shower. (Chris was still trying to calm down Wilbur, who was hysterical by now). A trainee paramedic made my bed all comfy and found me pads, pyjamas and knickers, so I hopped out of shower and into bed. Chris
came up and 5 mins later my parents arrived, expecting to find me in labour! Mum made me tea and toast and dad brought Wilbur up to see Huxley. The paramedics tried to locate a midwife but the cmw office phone wouldn't pick up, so they reluctantly and apologetically transferred me in for baby checks. We were given the home from home room and spent a few hours snuggling and eating croissants. The doctor said Huxley was "perfect" and discharged us. We came home to mum's homecooked food and a clean bathroom (albeit one with no flooring left!).
So amazing. Little man did all the work himself. It really wasn't "labourious" at all. Still on a high!

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