Wednesday 18 November 2009

Helios Childbirth Kit

Whilst reading this book: Stand and Deliver!: And Other Brilliant Ways to Give Birth I came across the Helios Homeopathic Child Birth Kit, which contains 18 remedies to use during and after childbirth. The kit is available online here. Now, while I already have arnica tablets in my hospital bag, I was wondering whether the kit was worth looking into? It contains:
Aconite - For anxiety and fear.
Arnica - anti-inflammatory
Bellis per - for trauma wounds
Calendula - for healing of cuts and lacerations.
Carbo veg. - for extreme tiredness
Caulophyllum - to speed up a slow labour
Chamomilla - to treat heat and irritability
Cimicifuga - for fear
Gelsemium - for aching muscles
Hypercium - nerve healing
Ipecac - for nausea
Kali carb- sharp and cutting pain, backache
Kali phos. - mental tiredness
Phytolacca - mastisis
Pulsatilla - weepiness after baby
Secale - cramp and bleeding
Sepia - uterine remedy
Staphysagria - pain after birth

Sounds good, but would I actually remember to use it?

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